Montessori Elementary is a program that grows out of respect for the mind of a rapidly developing child. No longer content to have physical independence (achieved in the 3-6 age class), the child now strives for intellectual independence. This is a time of insatiable curiosity and excitement for learning.
The Elementary School is a six-year program that serves students in the following grades/levels:
- Lower Elementary - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Levels/Grades
- Upper Elementary - 4th, 5th, and 6th Levels/Grades
Dr. Montessori realized that children were able to use their imaginations to move from concrete to abstract thinking. They can use their imaginations to make connections with history, science, math, literature and the world. The interrelated curriculum at this level is based on Montessori’s Cosmic Curriculum. The Great Lessons, the main component of the Cosmic Curriculum, appeal to the student’s sense of wonder and love of storytelling.
The student’s ability to reason makes Lower Elementary the place where children master fundamental skills and core knowledge. It is here that they learn how to learn. Students are guided to become more independent in self-direction, more responsible and intrinsically motivated.
The Lower Elementary Program is part of the Elementary School and serves children ages 6 to 9 in multi-age classrooms that include the 1st through 3rd levels/grades. This multi-age, three-year cycle allows the teacher to develop a deep understanding of each student and creates the opportunity to provide a comprehensive, individualized education for each child. In addition, mixed-age classrooms provide advanced academic models for younger students, and offer older students opportunities to lead by example. It is perfect for the social beings they are becoming complete with a place to practice the social and moral justice in which they are so interested.

In the Lower Elementary classrooms, Montessori Pathways School students begin to address more complex problems than in Primary, no longer content to simply ask "what," but curious about the "how" and "why" of problems. This environment is the launching point for interactive, interdisciplinary group work. With an emphasis on social responsibility, grace, and courtesy, cooperative work is a natural outgrowth of the classroom. These years offer instruction in the areas of language development, mathematics/geometry, Spanish, history, world geography, botany, zoology, physical education, and the visual and performing arts. Technology is also integrated into the curriculum using computers in the classroom.
Standardized testing is begun in the third year of the program.
Montessori Pathways School we have an
enrichment program consisting of
Spanish, Art, Music Development, Gym, Drama, Dance, Food Preparation, and Gardening.
This environment coupled with an individualized education plan for each student, individualized lesson that all contain a visual, auditory and kinesthetic components, low student to teacher ratios (12:1), amazing Montessori materials and highly-trained staff makes Montessori Pathways an excellent choice for your child..